Andke allkiri Gruusia toetuseks!
Sellel veebiaadressil saab anda allkirja Gruusia toetuseks. Rahvusvahelise aktsiooni korraldajad pöörduvad USA Kongressi, Euroopa Parlamendi ja ÜRO poole järgmise üleskutsega:
The hereby signers, are making a statement to express our support to the Republic of Georgia, currently being attacked by the Russian Federation, we are making a call to the European Union, the United States of America, and all peoples and nations of the world to repulse the current aggressions being performed by the Russian military lead by president Dmitry Medvedev and prime minister Vladimir Putin; our plead is to call the nations of the world and all International Organizations, to demand an immediate ceasefire and the removal of Russian troops off Georgian territories; we also call the Russian people to reject the hostilities and urge their government to return to peace.
Ei tea küll kellele selline kriitika suunatud peaks olema!
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Georgia toetuseks valige- No -- it's an invasion ja klikkige VOTE.
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