Balti spiikrite avaldus, Riigikogu koguneb

Just praegu on jõudnud avalikkuse ette kolme Balti riigi parlementide esimeeste avaldus. Selle inglise keelne variant on toodud allpool. Samas on suure tõenäosusega juba ülehomme kogunemas Riigikogu oma erakorralisele istungjärgule, et samuti arutada olukorda Gruusias ning võtta vastu sellekohane avaldus.

Tänane meeleavaldus (kust kõrvalolev pilt) Vene Föderatsiooni saatkonna ees Pikal tänaval oli äärmiselt vajalik selleks, et näidata - me ei ole ükskõiksed, kui rünnatakse demokraatlikku ja vaba riiki. Vaid nii on võimalik taltsutada agressorit ja julgustada neid, kes kardavad väikeriikide vabaduse eest seisma.

Declaration of Presidents of Parliaments of the Baltic States
10 August 2008

With deep concern and anxiety, we are observing the events in Georgia which at this moment is under intensive attacks by the army of the Russian Federation.

We are calling on the international community to decisively condemn actions of Russia and to promptly take all necessary steps to stop the war and bring the parties to the negotiation table.

Justification of Russia’s actions in Georgia by the need to protect its citizens is unacceptable. Alleged reasons for taking up a war against Georgia raise concerns about the future in every state with Russian citizens living on its territory.

We are concerned and disappointed with the actions and behaviour of Russia, as an important actor in the politics of the region and the whole world, which will inevitably have effect on further bilateral and multilateral relations with this country. Russia's military aggression against another sovereign state and actions contradicting the statements of its leaders raise serious doubts about the reliability and consistency of Russia as a partner.

Furthermore, we are convinced that the response of the international community to Russia’s aggression against Georgia is at the same time a test for Euro-Atlantic security institutions of their reliability and solidarity. Therefore we are calling on our governments to discuss, in cooperation with NATO and EU partners, measures to prevent similar actions in future. NATO and the EU must assume responsibility for the security and stability of their partners to demonstrate Russia’s leadership it cannot do whatever it wants with its neighbours that share the values and principles of the Euro-Atlantic community.

Russia's aggression against Georgia must be stopped, with the help of coordinated actions of the international community, immediately before all Georgian infrastructure and economy is destroyed which would bring about humanitarian catastrophe with long-term consequences in the entire region.

Ene Ergma, President of the Riigikogu of Estonia
Gundars Daudze, President of the Saeima of Latvia
Česlovas Juršėnas, President of the Seimas of Lithuania


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