Lindeni-pressikonverentsi materjalid I

Euroopa Nõukogu Parlamentaarse Assamblee (ENPA) presidendi Rene van der Lindeni võimalikud majandushuvid Venemaal
Possible economic interests of Rene van der Linden,President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), in Russia.


Mr René van der Linden, President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) visited Tallinn on 18-19 September 2007.

During the above visit, President van der Linden accused Marko Mihkelson, Chairman of the European Affairs Committee of the Estonian Parliament and former Chairman of the Estonian delegation to PACE of spreading groundless rumours on his family’s asserted business interests in Russia. On 1 August 2007, Mr Mihkelson published an article “The Way Russian Propaganda Works” on his blog, in which he wrote: “Unfortunately in the last couple of years he [René van der Linden] has distinguished himself in transparent support towards Russia. Whether this positioning may also be influenced by his family’s asserted economic interests in Russia, that he understandably knows himself the best”.

Talking to the journalists at a press conference on 18 September, Mr van der Linden asserted twice that he has no business interests in Russia.

On 1 October, new provisions governing PACE members’ declaration of interest came into force. According to this new commlementary text to the PACE Rules of Procedure (Article 2 on the application of Rule 12), members are encouraged to make ad hoc declarations of interest before speaking in committee or in plenary session on a subject on which they have a professional, personal, financial or economic interest which might be considered relevant or conflicting.

In a telephone conversation with Mr Mihkelson on 3 October, President van der Linden repeated his previous accusations, upon which Mr Mihkelson has deemed it important to publish his sources – all publicly available on Internet.

Below are the abstracts published on-line in Russian press (unofficial translations from sources in Russian), referring to President van der Linden’s possible involvement as Chairman of the Supervisory Council of the company “Noble House Holding” in setting up the first and the largest European Standard industrial park in Russia up to date in the Sobinsk district of the Vladimir Oblast in Russia. (The investment has been initially estimated to amount to 500 million EUR).


Märkus: Kõik esitatud materjalid koosnevad mitteametlikest avalikes venekeelsetes allikates leiduva informatsiooni tõlgetest. Kasutatud on uudistekanaleid, Sobinski tehnopargi kodulehekülge jmt.
Note: The data on these handouts consists of unofficial English translations of sources publicly available in Russian, such as news channels, official web page of the Sobinsk industrial park etc.


Vladimir region will be visited by the Chairman of the PACE
18:01 17.10.2006

Rene van der Linden’s visit to Vladimir has been planned in the agenda of his stay in Russia and is connected first of all with the questions of investment activities of foreign businessmen in the territory of our region. Rene van der Linden heads the supervisory council of the company «Noble House Holding» which carries out the project of creation of the "V-park" in Sobinsk district.

100 million dollars to the project of "V-park" in the district of Sobinsk
Rene van der Linden’s visit to Vladimir has been planned in the agenda of his stay in Russia and is connected first of all with the questions of investment activities of foreign businessmen in the territory of our region. Rene van der Linden heads the supervisory council of the company «Noble House Holding» which carries out the project of creation of the "V-park" in Sobinsk district.

23.10.2006 Vladimir. The Dutch are building an industrial park
As a curator of the construction performs the Chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Rene van der Linden (who heads the supervisory council of Noble House).

The Dutch are building an industrial park

As a curator of the construction performs the Chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Rene van der Linden (who heads the supervisory council of Noble House).

A golden shower of foreign investments will fall on Sobinsk district
20.10.2006 20:28

Today the Chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe headed to the fields around Vorsha.

Rene van der Linden doesn’t hide emotions: «your region was a big surprise for me». «A pleasant one», he adds. A golden shower of foreign investments will fall on Sobinsk district. The Chairman of the PACE judges also economy politically. It is a base for everything.
RENE VAN DER LINDEN, CHAIRMAN of the PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY of the COUNCIL OF EUROPE: «In the region (I could estimate a situation) political parties work together. They do not fight with each other, they cooperate. And it is especially important for the progress of your region. A durable, stable progress».
/…/ The Chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe has headed the supervisory council of «Noble House Holding».

/…/ KONSTANTIN KOSACHEV, CHAIRMAN OF THE FOREIGN AFFAIRS COMMITTEE OF THE STATE DUMA of the Russian Federation (Faction: «United Russia»): «I think that the arrival of the Chairman of the PACE here in the region is one more very important step, for fixing the region on the map of the world and Europe. It will, most certainly, draw the attention of foreign invertors to the region».

/…/ Chairman of the PACE presented the head of the region cuff links with the symbols of the European Union. He bid long farewell with the hosts. And admitted in an interview: «I sincerely wish to come again. Certainly - with family».

Chairman the PACE was brought out to a field in Vladimir region

The Chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and the president of the company «Noble House Holding» have been brought out today to a prospective construction site.

/…/ The Chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and the president of the company "Noble House Holding" behave in a simple way – for half an hour they walk on a field. Peter Schreus and Rene van der Linden dream about building an industrial park in Sobinsk.

/…/ We hear it from the Chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe repeatedly: it is simply a fantasy. It seems, that the europarliamentarian is here as a “wedding general”. But actually he is the most important investor. The Chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly heads the supervisory council of the company «Noble House Holding».
Rene van der LINDEN, Chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe: «First of all, I would like to tell you, that the region and this area fit very well for this kind of construction. I believe it is a fine possibility for youth. To find for itself something new. New jobs. To acquire new skills. This is the last day of my visit, but not for the last time».

PACE chairman to head technology park’s supervisory board in Vladimir region

Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) chairman Rene Van der Linden will head supervisory board of the Vladimir Development Company; the Noble House Holding CEO Theodorus P.M. Schreus informed a REGNUM correspondent.

For industry and business

Its supervisory council will be headed by the Chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Rene van der Linden, who intends personally to assist the development of the project.

Chairman of the PACE in Yaroslavl

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

In the past Van der Linden was known for his sharp statements in the address of the Russian Government. However recently, in the opinion of many analysts, the position of the Chairman of the PACE started to change. He shows a benevolent and constructive spirit in relation to Russia.
The European politician, who heads the supervisory council of a Dutch company Noble House, actively visits the regions of Russia. In particular, the authorities of the Yaroslavl region hope that he will become one of the lobbyists for the interests of the region on the international arena.


Anonüümne ütles …
ootasin neid materjale juba pikalt, hea et need avalikustatud said. millegipärast usun, et ametlikult leiab van der Linden kõigile neile teemadele sobiliku vastuse, aga kas jääb peale ametlik või mitteametlik teemakäsitlus - eks aeg näitab. loodetavasti aitab protsessi algataja MM kaasa sellele, et veel vanasse kaardiväkke (a la Schröder, Chirac, Berlusconi) kuuluv mees läheb sama teed kui eelpoolnimetatud.

kuigi absoluutselt teemasse mitte-puutuv, siis helde rahastamise kohta (isegi kui see on otsetõlge) öelda golden shower on mitte väga hea, tal on ka mitu ebasobivat tähendust.
Anonüümne ütles …

Anonüümne ütles …
Pöördudes tagasi kogu selle diplomaatiatango algusesse.

lihtsalt märkuseks üks väljavõte Wikipedia veebientsüklopeediast (

"After a 3 October 2007 phone call from van der Linden, involving threats of getting French police involved, Marko Mihkelson announced he'd hold a press conference to present materials regarding van der Linden's family's business interests in Russia."

Märgitud on van der Lindeni perekonna majanduslike huvisid Venemaal, mitte VÕIMALIKE majanduslike huvisid Venemaal.

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