Dangerous misreading

I was truly shoked by the article of Stephen F. Cohen, in which he presented in my understanding dangerous misreading of current Russia („Russia: The missing debate“, Views, May 3-4). He argues that Russia’s backlash during president Putin is caused by US active support of transition to democracy and free market in Central and Eastern Europe. He says also that „America was entitled to Russia’s traditional sphere of security and energy supplies, from the Baltics, Ukraine and Georgia to Central Asia and the Caspian“. For the change of attitude and „saving relations“ with Russia he calls to stop NATO enlargement to Ukraine and step back from the idea of building missile defence units in Czech Republic and Poland.

His article is reflecting rather old Yalta’s world thinking than modern post-Soviet western view of the state of affairs. He has difficulties to recognise that Soviet/Russian Empire is on the way to history and free nations on the borders of Russia have their right to decide about their present and the future. My country, Estonia, whom I serve as a Member of Parliament, has re-built during last 17 years stable and prosperous society, which was destroyed by Soviet occupation after World War II. If this is reason to Russia’s backlash then deep roots to it should be found in Russia itself. If neighbouring states who promoting democracy and rule of law are seen as threat in Russia then western world should be seriously worried.

Russia is back, but she is back in the history. Foreing policy tools which are used by Moscow are not reflecting world we live in, but rather 19th century thinking of zero-sum game. Cohen is worried that US presidential candidates are not adressing enough Russia’s challenge. I think that especially John McCain has been quite clear in his calls how to deal with neoimeprialistic Russia.

PS: selle lugejakirja International Herald Tribune’ile panin kokku teel Tallinnast Prahasse. Ehk avaldavad, aga kui mitte, siis olgu see siin blogis vähemalt olemas. Tegelikult vajaks Coheni suguste mõttekäik tõsisemat analüüsi. Ta pole sugugi ainus.


Anonüümne ütles …
See artikkel maandus tõele ebamugavalt lähedale, kas pole?

Muidugi ole ime, et jõudsite oma vastuses ära kiita John McCaini, kes IRI esimehena on otseselt vastutav (eriti) Gruusia nukurežiimi püstitamise ja selle valede ning propaganda abil ülalhoidmise, samuti ka Eesti IRL kui sealsete neokonservatiivide kohaliku käepikenduse heaolu eest.

Venemaa suure ja absoluutse kurjuse impeeriumina kujutamise eest on temal kahtlemata personaalselt käsi sees, kuna Venemaale ja Vene väärtustele vastandumise abil (olgu selleks siis pronkssõdurimärul või üleüldse ajalugu) endiste NL riikide Ameerika andunud käpiknukkudeks muutmine ju käibki. Muuhulgas ka Eestis.
Anonüümne ütles …
Grammatikavigu jäi liiga mitu tükki silma...
Anonüümne ütles …
äkki annab midagi teha anonüümse vene vaimuga?
KT ütles …
ega iga Cohen pole Ariel :)

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