Hamas, which has been working towards the destruction of the state of Israel since 1987 and has supporters in the aforementioned coalition of intent, achieved several objectives with its attack. Firstly, their well-planned and massive surprise attack succeeded in coming as a total shock to the Israeli society. The last time this many Jews were killed in a single day was in the gas chambers of Auschwitz in 1944 – one can only imagine the atmosphere this attack created among Israeli citizens. There is not a single family in Israel that does not have relatives who were victims of the Holocaust. Now, such a heinous massacre took place right in their own homes. When I visited the settlements near the Gaza border a few days ago, the nauseating stench of decomposition still lingered in the air, and the scene spoke volumes about the profound tragedy that had occurred. Secondly, the attackers undermined citizens' belief in the all-powerful intelligence capabilities of Israel and th...