
Kuvatud on kuupäeva märts, 2022 postitused


What is the difference between NATO enlargement and the expansion of Russia? While the first takes place on voluntary terms and with the agreement of its members for the sake of defending democratic countries, the second shows an authoritarian nuclear power in the grip of nostalgia for its empire trying to extend its limits (of influence) through a brutal breach and self-serving interpretation of international law.   In all this, Russia has not been provoked by the enlargement of NATO, which has created a peaceful and stable neighbourhood around the Russian borders, but rather by the pain of losing a totalitarian empire and witnessing the success of its former vassals in building democratic and free societies. And that poses an existential threat to the authoritarian regime in Russia. Through the decades since the end of WWI, Russia has painted the democratic Western countries as a scary enemy figure who is trying to obtain access to its riches and destroy the “thousand year old civili


What is the difference between NATO enlargement and the expansion of Russia? While the first takes place on voluntary terms and with the agreement of its members for the sake of defending democratic countries, the second shows an authoritarian nuclear power in the grip of nostalgia for its empire trying to extend its limits (of influence) through a brutal breach and self-serving interpretation of international law. In all this, Russia has not been provoked by the enlargement of NATO, which has created a peaceful and stable neighbourhood around the Russian borders, but rather by the pain of losing a totalitarian empire and witnessing the success of its former vassals in building democratic and free societies. And that poses an existential threat to the authoritarian regime in Russia. Some days ago, between meetings in Moscow, I took a moment to lay flowers on the spot where one of the best known democrats of modern Russia – Boris Nemtsov – was killed on Bolshoi Moskvoretsky Bridge in th


Mis vahe on NATO laienemisel ja Venemaa laienemisel? Kui esimene toimub vabatahtlikkuse alusel ja liikmete nõusolekul demokraatlike riikide kaitseks, siis teisel juhul püüab impeeriumi nostalgias autoritaarne tuumariik oma (mõju)piire laiendada brutaalse jõuga rahvusvahelist õigust rikkudes või enda tahtmise järgi seda tõlgendades. Seejuures pole Venemaad provotseerinud mitte NATO laienemine, mis on loonud Venemaa piiridele rahumeelse ja stabiilse naabruse, vaid seda on teinud totalitaarse impeeriumi kaotusvalu ning endiste vasallide edu demokraatliku ja vaba ühiskonna loomisel. See on aga eksistentsiaalne oht isevalitsejalikule korrale Venemaal.   Mõned päevad tagasi Moskvas kohtumistel olles leidsin aja ja võimaluse ning viisin lilled kaasaegse Venemaa ühe tuntuima demokraadi Boriss Nemtsovi tapmispaigale Kremli külje all Moskvoretski sillal. Boriss oli minu hea sõber, kellega oli alati põnev arutleda Venemaa oleviku ja tuleviku üle. Temast on praegu Venemaal väga palju puudu. Võimud