Gruusia viimaste sündmuste kronoloogia

Viimased uudised räägivad kahjuks sellest, et Venemaa ei kipu hoolima president Saakašvili relvarahulubadusest. Jätkuvad rünnakud. Abhaasiast lõunas asuv Zugdidi on Vene vägede kontrolli all. See uudis tuli pool tundi tagasi.

Toon allpool ära eilse ja tänase päeva sündmuste kronoloogia nähtuna Gruusia poolelt. Venemaa on samas kinnitanud, et nad on kaotanud neli lennukit: kolm Su-25 ja ühe TU22. Gruusia andmetel on neid aga kuni 20.

11 August

1. 14:30 Senaki base is bombed by Russian aviation.
2. 13:30 President Saakashvili signs a ceasefire agreement, prepared by the foreign ministers of France, Finland, and Georgia. The foreign ministers of France and Finland are taking the agreement to Moscow in order to persuade President Medvedev to sign it.
3. 12:05 Russian aviation is bombing Georgian servicemen in Upper Abkhazia.
4. 10:00 Village of Eredvi came under the fire of Russian artillery.
5. 07:15 Senaki airport is bombed by Russian airplanes.
6. 06:10 Gori tank battalion is bombed. A civilian apartment building nearby has been hit.
7. 05:00 Shiraki airfield in Dedoplistskaro District on the east of the country is bombed by Russian jets.
8. 04:37 Civilian radar station on Makhata mount in 5 kilometers from downtown Tbilisi is bombed by Russian planes.
9. 03:05 Villages of Sharabidzeebi, Kapandichi, Makho near Batumi are bombed by Russian planes. Graveyard and villagers’ backyard have been hit. No casualties reported.
10. 00:30 Civilian radar station in the village of Shavshvebi west of Tbilisi is bombed by Russian planes.
11. 00:00 Five wounded policemen transported to Zugdidi hospital from Upper Abkhazia.

10 August

12. 20:00 Positional fighting near village of Qvabchara in Upper Abkhazia.
13. 19:10 “Tbilaviamsheni” aviation factory was bombarded by Russian aviation again.
14. 19:05 Russian aviation dropped bomb on Tbilisi International Airport.
15. 18:00 The Black Sea town of Anaklia 280 km from Tbilisi, is bombed by Russian airplanes. No casualties reported
16. 17:30 Georgian Ministry of Foreign affairs handed diplomatic note to the Charg d’affirs of Russian embassy Mr Smag. According to the order of the president Georgia, Georgian Government forces stopped fire in the conflict zone.
17. Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia Karasin announced the terms of ceasefire. Georgia have to withdraw on the positions existing before the beginning of the conflict and take responsibility of non use of force.
18. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russian Federation announced that journalists wanting to enter Russian-Georgian conflict zone have to have special accreditation from Ministry of Defense and second accreditation from Ministry of Foreign affairs of Russia.
19. 16:10 Russian aviation bombarded only remaining bridge on the Highway linking eastern and western parts of the country. There was a fire on the bridge. Fire is extinguished. The traffic is restored.
20. 16:05 Gori is being bombed by Russian aviation.
21. 15:10 Russian troops and Abkhaz separatists launch ground attack on Upper Abkhazia. The region is being bombed by Russian aviation.
22. 15:00 Russian airplanes bomb the village of Knolevi in the northern Kareli district.
23. By noon of 10 August there are 20 to 25 thousand IDPs from the regions of Tskhinvali and Gori, as a result of Russian attacks. The number of IDPs is growing quickly.
24. 09:00 Government of Georgia reported 45 soldiers and 47 civilians died.
25. 08:45 Ten Russian jets attack Upper Abkhazia. One jet has been downed by Georgian Government troops.
26. 07:40 Russian jets bomb village of Urta in Zugdidi district.
27. 07:00 Georgian Government Forces withdraw from Tskhinvali.
28. Russian General Khrulyov, commander of the invading 58th army was wounded after shelling Russian military convoy by Georgian artillery.
29. 05:45 Russian jet entered Georgian airspace from Dagestan and dropped 3 Bombs on Tbilisi airplane factory.
30. 6,000 Russian troops enter Georgia through Roki tunnel overnight; 90 tanks; 150 Armored Personnel Carriers; 250 artillery gunships.
31. 4,000 Russian troops land at port of Ochamchire in Abkhazia, from Black Sea port of Sevastopol


Marx ütles …
Vene pööblist kahju, kes selliseid uudiseid oskavad ainult lugeda.

nüüd oleme meie ka juba konflikti tasapisi tiritud ehk siis olevat nähtud vabatahtlike Balti riikidest ja Ukrainast. Ma üldse ei imesta kui sellest tuleb varsti ametlik pressiteada kuskilt Kremli koridoridest...
Anonüümne ütles …
Tšetšeenia sõdade ajal räägiti vene propagandas Balti naissnaiprite üksusest "Valged sukkpüksid".

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