Nii töötab Vene propaganda II
Tänu ajakirjanik Ahto Lobjaka ühele vestlusringi osundusele leidsin veebikeskkonnast Facebook hea näite sellest, kuidas Eesti-vastane propaganda kasutab kõige erinevamaid vahendeid. Sealhulgas siis ka populaarseid veebikeskondi.
Üle poole tuhande liikme endaga kaasa rääkima kutsunud teema kõlab: "Prevent Nazis from Return". Selle sissejuhatavaks looks on kellegi "Toomase" arvamus sellest, kuidas ta ei taha elada natslikus Eestis. Siin see on:
"Honestly, it is doleful for me to admit that I live in a country where some people decided they could sneeze at the cherished memory of soldiers who died fighting for liberation of Estonia from the fascist army. I mean members of Estonian parliament who decided to "reward" the liberators with a bill that enables to actually destroy all memorials in their honor and humiliate the feelings of people who managed to survive though they were really close to death by hands of the Nazis. How did it happen that brassbound nationalists of Estonia (who prefer fascist ideals rather than common principals of democracy) came to power in this country?! For example leaders of political parties that voted in favor of this act - Juhan Parts, Andrus Ansip, Tunne Kelam - they all are far rights who give eye-teeth for rehabilitation of Nazism. Why is there no one in Estonia itself who is able to stand against spread of the fascist taint? I know there are quite many anti-fascist organizations in Western Europe, why are they inactive? I am a native Estonian and I just want my country be free of fascism and nationalism. Please, help my country overcome this disease of Nazism! Stop Estonian fascists amongst in the government!" Toomas - "Don't want to live in fascist Estonia"
Tõenäoliselt on "Toomas" lihtsalt väljamõeldud isik, sest keskkonna loojatel ei näi küll midagi ühist olevat Eestiga või eestlastega. Lisaks on siis viited sellistele pärlitele nagu "Bronze soldier forgive us" ja muud "huvitavat". Olgugi, et keskkonna loomine nähtavasti langes kokku pronksiöö sündmustega, on see jätkanud oma elu siiani.
Eesti kui natsiriigi kuvandi pressimise nimel on head kõik võimalused. Isegi kui nimetet keskkonna loojad on selle koostanud oma vabast tahtest, siis selle sisu kinnitab veelkord, kui ajupestud võivad inimesed olla. Lihtsalt loota, et see kõik möödub iseensest, oleks mugav enesepettus.
Üle poole tuhande liikme endaga kaasa rääkima kutsunud teema kõlab: "Prevent Nazis from Return". Selle sissejuhatavaks looks on kellegi "Toomase" arvamus sellest, kuidas ta ei taha elada natslikus Eestis. Siin see on:
"Honestly, it is doleful for me to admit that I live in a country where some people decided they could sneeze at the cherished memory of soldiers who died fighting for liberation of Estonia from the fascist army. I mean members of Estonian parliament who decided to "reward" the liberators with a bill that enables to actually destroy all memorials in their honor and humiliate the feelings of people who managed to survive though they were really close to death by hands of the Nazis. How did it happen that brassbound nationalists of Estonia (who prefer fascist ideals rather than common principals of democracy) came to power in this country?! For example leaders of political parties that voted in favor of this act - Juhan Parts, Andrus Ansip, Tunne Kelam - they all are far rights who give eye-teeth for rehabilitation of Nazism. Why is there no one in Estonia itself who is able to stand against spread of the fascist taint? I know there are quite many anti-fascist organizations in Western Europe, why are they inactive? I am a native Estonian and I just want my country be free of fascism and nationalism. Please, help my country overcome this disease of Nazism! Stop Estonian fascists amongst in the government!" Toomas - "Don't want to live in fascist Estonia"
Tõenäoliselt on "Toomas" lihtsalt väljamõeldud isik, sest keskkonna loojatel ei näi küll midagi ühist olevat Eestiga või eestlastega. Lisaks on siis viited sellistele pärlitele nagu "Bronze soldier forgive us" ja muud "huvitavat". Olgugi, et keskkonna loomine nähtavasti langes kokku pronksiöö sündmustega, on see jätkanud oma elu siiani.
Eesti kui natsiriigi kuvandi pressimise nimel on head kõik võimalused. Isegi kui nimetet keskkonna loojad on selle koostanud oma vabast tahtest, siis selle sisu kinnitab veelkord, kui ajupestud võivad inimesed olla. Lihtsalt loota, et see kõik möödub iseensest, oleks mugav enesepettus.
kasulikke idioote on igal pool.see toomas võib olmas isegi olla.
loe neid blogisid,siis saad aru kui palju lolle on olemas.